Section B
Straw Polls
When a resolution is formally presented, at any time a Straw Poll may be requested by any member and facilitated by the Presiding Officer as per Article 3, §C-2. This straw poll's purpose is to determine whether an issue needs further discussion.
Subsection 1 - Straw Poll Options
The Poll options for Straw Polls will be as followed: A: Table, B: Approve, C: Reject, D: Abstain
Subsection 2 - General Guidelines
Straw polls will be conducted for a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours OR until the expiry of the comment period.
If no straw poll is conducted, a General Vote will begin as outlined in Article 3, §D three (3) days after the resolution was first introduced.
Straw polls may be conducted anonymously, if so requested.
Voting threshold amounts follow the same guidelines laid out in Article 3, §A-3.
Subsection 3 - Results
If Straw Poll results show equal to or greater than 1/2 are favor of Table (option A in Article 3, §B-1), the resolution is added to the next possible regularly scheduled meeting agenda for further discussion.
A General Vote, as described in Article 3, §C will begin immediately following the aforementioned meeting.
If Straw Poll results show equal to or greater than 1/2 are in favor of Approve (option B in Article 3, §B-1), the resolution is to be brought to a General Vote, as described in Article 3, §C, after the three (3) day comment period has ended.
If Straw Poll results show equal to or greater than 1/2 are in favor of Rejection (option C in Article 3, §B-1), the resolution is to be considered a failure. Members in favor of the resolution must make a good-faith effort to rewrite or change the resolution before presenting again after a period of twenty-four (24) hours minimum.
Results of any anonymous Straw Polls will be confirmed by the presiding officer and at least one (1) multisig signer member.
Subsection 4- Exceptions
If Straw Poll results show equal to or greater than 2/3 are in favor of Approve (option B in Article 3, §B-1), the resolution is to be brought to a General Vote, as described in Article 3, §C, within twenty-four (24) hours of the resolution votes reaching at or above 2/3 votes.
If a Straw Poll is considered a failure per Article 3, §B-3.3 AND 1/3 of the total Support Lab Membership voted as Table or Approve (options A or B in Article 3, §B-1 respectively), the resolution is tabled as per Article 3, §B-3.1.
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