Section E

Internal Elections

For votes requiring elections, Article 3, §C does not apply and hereby replaced with the guidelines below.

Subsection 1 - Election Vote Options

The Poll options for Straw Polls will be as followed: A: For, B: Against, C: Abstain

Subsection 2 - General Guidelines
  1. The Presiding Officer as established in Article 3, §C-2 shall conduct Internal Elections.

  2. Candidates must receive three (3) nominations to be considered for an election vote.

  3. Votes will always be anonymous.

  4. Elections will be conducted for a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours after the last nomination of a candidate.

  5. Any votes not cast during the voting period shall be considered an Abstain vote (option C in Article 3, §E-1).

  6. Pre-votes are allowed per the guidelines in Article 3, §D.

Subsection 3 - Results
  1. Results must be certified by the Presiding Officer and at least two (2) other members of the Support Lab.

  2. If there are more Candidates than open positions the candidate(s) receiving the most For votes (option A in Article 3, §E-1) will be elected.

Subsection 4 - Exceptions
  1. A run-off election, following the guidelines set in Article 3, §E, may be held if there is a tie and no candidate concedes.

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