Section D

Establishment of Pre-votes

To allow for fair and just participation during extenuating circumstances members may vote for General Votes with Pre-Voting.

Subsection 1 - Acceptable Reasons
  1. The following reasons should be considered when determining eligibility for pre-voting: Vacation, Untimely Sickness, Emergencies, Temporary Leave of Absences Note: This list should not be considered exhaustive.

Subsection 2 - General Guidelines
  1. Members who have: --> Participated in a Straw Poll AND --> Voted to Approve (option B in Article 3, §B-1) in said Straw Poll AND --> Wish to vote during a General Vote for a resolution, however may not be able to due to the situations listed in Article 3, §D-1, may cast their vote in confidence with the Presiding Officer (as established in Article 3, §C-2).

  2. Members who have: --> Participated in a Straw Poll AND --> Voted to Table or Reject (option A or C in Article 3, §B-1, respectively) in said Straw Poll AND --> Did NOT participate in any official discussion that may have followed AND --> Wish to vote during a General Vote for a resolution, however may not be able to due to the situations listed in Article 3, §D-1, should refrain from a pre-vote option unless one has followed up with meeting notes and other Support Lab members.

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