Section C

General Guidelines for Votes

Subsection 1 - General Vote Options

The Poll options for Straw Polls will be as followed: A: For, B: Against, C: Rewrite, D: Abstain

Subsection 2 - Establishment of a Presiding Officer

All polls or votes shall be conducted by a Presiding Officer.

  1. The presiding officer shall be duly elected internally by the Support Lab Membership solely to maintain voting decorum.

  2. The presiding officer shall be charged with attempting to solicit the vote of any members who have not yet voted within twenty-four (24) hours of the end of a General Vote.

  3. Presiding officers are the only point of contact for Support Lab members wishing to utilize their right to "Pre-Vote" as outlined in Article 3, §D.

    1. Presiding officers have a duty to inform the parties certifying a vote that a pre-vote is included.

    2. The presiding officer should have documented proof of a pre-vote to present if requests by certifying parties.

Subsection 3 - General Guidelines
  1. General Votes will be conducted for a maximum of seventy-two (72) hours after initial posting.

    1. Any votes not cast during the seventy-two (72) hour voting period shall be considered an Abstain vote (option D in Article 3, §C-1).

    2. Pre-votes are allowed per the guidelines in Article 3, §D.

  2. Voting threshold amounts follow the same guidelines laid out in Article 3, §A-3.

Subsection 4 - Results

Resolutions will be considered approved if a simple majority (> 50%) of votes are in favor (option A in Article 3, §C-1).

Subsection 5 - Exceptions
  1. Amendments to this Constitution require a 2/3 majority to pass.

  2. Resolutions approving an on-chain proposal must be accompanied by a Budget and require a 2/3 majority to pass.

Last updated